About Us


About Us

Mobility Sierra Leone (MSL) is a registered Sierra Leonean Not for Profit Community-Based Organization (CBO) established in 2008 through the support of Rotary Club of Clifton in Bristol and other partners including Handicap International Sierra Leone, Leonard Cheshire Disability, Tanzanian Training Centre for Orthopedic Technologists (TATCOT), Motivation UK and Mercy Ships to provide free mobility devices to the physically challenged with support from partners

We are a proud affiliate of the US based Mobility World Wide and we are a provider of free quality and standardized mobility aids to the Sierra Leonean disability community regardless of tribe, religion or political orientation.

the journey


In 2005, a German based organization, In Went through the German Embassy in Sierra Leone offered a-year scholarship to three Community Based Rehabilitation staff of Handicap International, Lamin Mansaray, Tamba Swaray and Lansana to study wheelchair Technology in Tanzania. These three men upon their return to Sierra Leone in 2006 worked for Handicap International for two years until the official handing over of HI’s physical rehabilitation services program to the Ministry of Health and Sanitation with the exception of its wheelchair Technology services.

This created a huge gap in the provision of mobility devices to the increasing disability community in Sierra Leone most of whom where directly affected by the country’s 11-year civil conflict and other related health conditions.

legal status
We are Registered with the Government of Sierra Leone through the Ministry of Social Welfare and the Bo District and City Councils respectively and accredited by several International partners
Our vision is to promote an inclusive society where persons with different abilities enjoy equal rights, have access to affordable and quality rehabilitation services to contribute to National Development on equal basis.
Our Mission is to make sure all mobility impaired people in Sierra Leone have access to affordable mobility aids.
Our goal is to empower persons with disabilities to be self-reliant whilst advocating and providing access to basic social services including health, education and shelter.
- To Promote the Human Rights and Welfare of persons with disability

- To empower Persons with Disability to be self Reliant.

- Advocate & Provide access to basic social services such as Health, Education, and Shelters.

- To promote the participation in Sports, recreational and Social Activities, for person with disabilities.
do you care to

Support our work ?

Help us support more persons with different abilities

With your support, Mobility Sierra Leone can do more local production of mobility devices and also import various mobility devices from partners in overseas to support persons with disabilities in Sierra Leone. We have a wide range of experience partnering with both local and international non-governmental organizations as well as donor bodies in the production, assembly, and distribution of wheelchairs and mobility carts and other assistive devices in Sierra Leone.

0 +
Years of professional service
1000 +
Mobility aids and devices distributed
0 +
Mobility devices repaired
0 +
Communities served



For majority of people with mobility disabilities, rehabilitation is essential to being able to participate in education, the labour market, and civic life. Article 26 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) refers to  Rehabilitation as “… appropriate measures, including through peer support, to enable persons with disabilities to attain and maintain their maximum independence, full physical, mental, social and vocational ability, and full inclusion and participation in all aspects of life”. Also, the United Nations Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities stated that medical care and rehabilitation should be requirements for persons with disabilities to enjoy equal participation in their societies.

We are committed to creating an inclusive and participatory space for all PWDs

we are developing creative systems to deliver eco-friendly services to all pWDs in sierra leone


In Sierra Leone, the 11-year civil conflict (1991-2002), frequent road accidents and diseases have all had a huge impact on the disability community. With now about half a million Sierra Leoneans living with different abilities, lack of adequate public institutions to operate rehabilitation services effectively and adequately, high cost of mobility and other assistive devices that supports the needs of persons living with disabilities, the need for an independent Not for Profit disability focused organization cannot be overemphasized. Sierra Leone being one of the poorest countries on the continent makes the socio-economic condition of persons living with different abilities a more challenging one as they are among the poorest among the growing population. There also exist concerns regarding charges imposed upon patients for the provision of prosthetic and orthotic devices as well as other mobility aids, particularly when the Sierra Leone Persons with Disability Acts in Part 5 Article 17 states “that Every person with disability shall be provided with free medical services in public health institutions.

It is therefore upon this mantra that Mobility Sierra Leone was established to be able to provide free mobility devices to physically challenged with support from partners. Our team members include those living with mobility disabilities.

we have enjoyed a productive work with




Amputee Football Team

Amputee Football Team

Mobility Device Delivery

Wheelchair Repair Service

Community Outreach

Community Outreach



With the support of local and donor partners, Mobility Sierra Leone produce, assemble, and distribute mobility and other assistive devices to persons with disabilities across Sierra Leone thereby enhancing their off-ground movement to school, places of work, and their surroundings. With special support from Tools for Self Reliant UK, Mobility Sierra Leone supports the disability community in Sierra Leone with tools and skill trainings.

In need of a mobility device ?

In need of a mobility device for yourself, a relative or want to donate through a charity, Mobility Sierra Leone is here to help you with that


Inspired by what we do and want to support our work ?

Whether in need of a mobility or assistive device, or touched by passion to support our work, you could reach out to the following people below whilst those in Sierra Leone can contact us here; Western Area, contact the National Rehabilitation Center in Freetown, Southern Province, contact the Bo Regional Rehabilitation Center in  Bo Government Hospital, in the East, contact the Koidu Regional Rehabilitation center in Koidu Government Hospital, and in the North you contact the Makeni Regional Rehabilitation Center in the Makeni Government Hospital.

United States

Contact Wayne Beare, Director of Global Logistics Mobility Worldwide

United Kingdom

Contact SARAH INGLEBY, the Executive Director for Tools for Self Reliant

Sierra Leone

Contact LAMIN MANSARAY, the Programme Manager for Mobility Sierra Leone